Bayesian Optimization
Data-Driven Optimization
Supply Chain Optimization
Reinforcement Learning
Statistical Learning
Large Language Models
Hybrid Modelling
Process Control
Deep Learning in Chemical Engineering
Learning Resources
Principal Investigator
Dr. Ehecatl Antonio del Rio Chanona
Principal Investigator of OptiML
Postdoctoral & Affiliated Researchers
Dr. Ana Marisa Arias
Research Associate
Daniel Cristiu
Research Assistant
Laura Helleckes
AI Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr. Austin Mroz
AI Postdoctoral Research Fellow
PhD Students
Akhil Ahmed
Adaptive Modelling, Control and Optimization of Large-Scale Systems using Machine Learning
Abdullah Bahamdan
Decarbonization of Energy Systems
Max Bloor
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Process Control and Scheduling
Miguel Ángel de Carvalho Servia
Automated Knowledge Discovery Methods in Reaction Engineering
Friedrich Hastedt
Supervised Machine Learning for Retrosynthesis and Synthesis Route Planning
Buse Sibel Korkmaz
Advancing Large Language Models for Comprehensive Scientific Assistance
Niki Kotecha
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Supply Chain Operations
Yong Lee
Generative Design and Optimisation of Functional Small Molecules
Matthew Marsh
Robust Data Driven Modelling, Optimisation and Control
Mathias Neufang
Statistical Machine Learning and Optimization for Solvent Selection
Ilya Orson Sandoval
Knowledge-driven Autonomous Systems - Neural ODEs and Reinforcement Learning
Emma Pajak
Digitalisation of Chemical Value Chains
Tom Savage
Applied Data-Driven Optimisation
David Tsang
High-throughput Synthetic Cell Engineering using Robotics & Machine Learning
Damien van de Berg
Data-Driven Optimization for the Integration of Interconnected Process Systems
Haiting Wang
Hybrid modeling for bioprocesses - merging first principles and machine learning
Luxi Yu
Towards online quality control of biotherapeutics through soft sensing of intracellular states
Zhengang Zhong
Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Control
Carlos Prieto
Sustainable process modelling and optimization
José Torraca
Safe Reinforcement Learning for Process Control