Yong Lee

Yong Lee

Generative Design and Optimisation of Functional Small Molecules

Yong is a PhD candidate under the President’s Scholarship. His interests involve an interdisciplinary approach to the discovery of functional small molecules with the use of generative design, data-driven optimisation methods and high throughput experimentation. Yong obtained his MSci degree in Chemistry from Imperial in 2024 where he worked with the group of Prof. Alan Spivey on the development of directed C-H functionalisation reactions via molecular modelling and experimental Bayesian Optimisation workflows. Prior to this, he was a process chemistry industrial placement student at Stevenage, GSK. When not coding or in the lab, Yong enjoys running a supper club and long hikes on the weekend when the weather permits!

  • Bayesian Optimization
  • Large Language Models
  • Data-Driven Optimization
  • MSci Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry and a Year in Industry, 2019-2024

    Imperial College London